Lyle Leads

Business Growth Specialist

lyle leads business coach

Let’s Connect

Welcome, winner! 

Empowering your business success is my mission!

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Websites | Social Media | Funnels
Text Messaging | Email Marketing
Business Automation |CRM 
Free Business Growth Evaluation
The Business Brainscan

Let me know how I can help you.


Brand Development

You want a brand you can be proud of for your business and your personal image.  In today’s digital world, you need to understand how to get your message out into a busy world in a way that gets heard.  We help you set up everything you need to have a solid brand from your logo, your message, social media, videos and websites (funnel, landing page, etc.). Let’s talk about how to get your brand moving forward.


Social Media Optimization

The first place consumers look for new business is on social media.  They want to know if you are real.  Does your social media properly communication your mission and message?  Let’s talk about how to make your online image powerful.


Website Development

Websites are an authority factor for your business and a trigger for sales.  Whether you call it a funnel, a landing page, a lead magnet or a challenge, your website must be something more than just a brochure.  You want a lead development machine and we are here to help you make that happen.


Automation Implementation

You have enough to do without worrying abut all the little tasks.  We can help you set  up automation tasks in your accounting, marketing and lot’s of other places. Whether it be chat functions on your website or using Facebook messenger or Sales Navigator, we want to help you streamline your business efforts.


Powerful Video Marketing

Did you know that Youtube is the only social media that can be shared on most other social media including Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter?  Did you know that Youtube is the second largest search engine in the world?  You can learn to use the impact of video in authenic and simple ways to create a buzz or build your authority online.  Let’s talk about some strategies that can help you.

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