Real Estate Investment Shorts

Real Estate Investing Terms: Comps

Download the 22 words you need to know for real estate investing

What you need to know about COMPS

Today’s real estate investing term is comps.

Comp is another word for comparable values which is something usually pulled by a real estate investor or agent.

Comps will help you see how much the prices of houses are selling for in a particular area. In other words, you’re gonna look at the comparable values of houses that have sold recently in that area to evaluate the possible price of a real estate investment.

Comps are how we evaluate the ARV, which is another word we have, after repair value, or the value a house could sell for once the property is fixed to a certain level.

Make sure you go to if you want to download 22 Real Estate Investing Terms you need to know. It’ll help you as a new real estate investor sound like a pro.

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