Season 1, Episode 20

What We Learned From 2020

Join Lyle Leads and Matthew Zamutt as they recap 2020 and how to move business forward.

Matthew: Hello, welcome to Optimize Profitability podcast. My name is Matthew Zamutt and I’m the executive producer of this podcast, but today I’m the host and I’m with the guest host Lyle Leads.

Lyle: Hey, guys. 


Matthew: So we’re going to recap the last 10 episodes and what we have going forward and what we’re going to share. So Lyle just recap a little bit of episode 10.


Lyle: All right. Well, Matt, I talked about this in every 10 episodes. We want to recap because there’s so much information you get from these episodes. And if you do a little recap, just kind of catch up with what’s going on. It kind of keeps you in the flow of things so you don’t feel like you missed a lot. Plus there may be a little tidbit in there that you didn’t catch, like, oh, I need to go back and listen to that episode.


That’s why we do these episodes. So on episode number 10, we talked about depression. We did a recap of episodes one through nine, and we talked a little bit about depression, anxiety and how that affects an entrepreneur. That’s huge. We did that recording in 2020 with coronavirus going on and everybody’s business being shut down right and left and everybody having to pivot and change their directions. A lot of people got really burnt out during that session to try to get things happening during that time period.


So we did that episode on depression and we did it also because on Episode 6, we had a guest host, a good friend of ours. His name was Joseph Smith. He passed away. And so that affected us personally and it affected the people that we know personally. So you go back and listen. That episode, it’s powerful to know that that guy was literally on his last weeks here on Earth. You never know how long you have on this earth.


Don’t let the pressures of this earth affect you so much that you become overwhelmed. Realize there’s always another day, always do the best for today so you don’t have to live in regrets. 


Matthew: That’s huge now, now I’m going to have to introduce Episode 11 because you were the guest host on that one.


Lyle: Yes, I was. 


Matthew: Yes. I dive into me, the Aspiringpreneur, that’s kind of like my moniker and I’m working on it better this year than what I did last year. But I’m trying to help a lot of millennials my age help them get into entrepreneurship or if they’re already owning a business, how to help them improve their profits that way or help them get into real estate. There’s so many different avenues that I do. I do marketing. I am investing in real estate.


So I was trying to, on that episode, really share the passion behind helping other people my age in entrepreneurship. So I love that.


Lyle: And Matthew talked a little bit about dealing with frustrations. When you’re younger and getting started on entrepreneurship, you don’t know a lot of people like me just looking around for a little while. And so you’ve got to deal with those frustrations of people not believing you and sometimes you’re not believing in yourself. But if you want to hear a story about a 20 year old who’s investing in real estate, that’s kind of a cool thing to do. If you’re 21 and you’re getting into business or getting into real estate, either one, listen to Episode 11 on Optimize Profitability find episode 11 and listen to Matthew story.


Matthew: Awesome, and then do you want to recap whatever you want me to recapture? 


Lyle: I’m cool with both. Let’s flip back and forth. I’ll do 12. We talked to Alexis and Justin Black. They talked about the power of adaptability and business. Now, these two people, both were raised in foster care and had a really rough life at the time of this recording. They just released their book called Redefining Normal. So if you want to get an insider’s peek into what the foster girls like, go look that up on Amazon and check them out.


They talked about how to adapt and be flexible in business. That’s huge because people have this comfortable mindset. You’ve got to have a growth mindset. It’s a different way of thinking about things. So we listen there. It’s very empowering to hear some of their story here where they’ve come through their newlyweds. You get to hear a little bit about that and everything. And then our bonus episodes are really fun in that they talked about your business identity, what it means to identify yourself in business and how to find a mentor in your 20s if you’re looking for somebody to help you grow kind of talk.


We have a little session about that, too. So make sure you go to Optimize Profitability Episode 12 to find that information. All right, Matthew, Episode 13, we talked to Diane.


Matthew: Yes, we did. So we covered a lot about overcoming burnout as an entrepreneurship, because especially when you first get started, you feel like you have to do everything. And then as you start doing literally everything, you kind of feel like you have more than you need more than two hands. And so she dives deep in what you should do to overcome that feeling. Also, she gives you some tidbits about network marketing because she’s awesome at what she does.


She has a lot of different network marketing opportunities. And so she gives you a sense and how she uses that. 


Lyle: But talks about networking and business. 


Matthew: Yes, she’s in network marketing, but I didn’t mean it like that. 


Lyle: Yeah. So to clarify that, because she says…


Matthew: Sorry, I forget sometimes it can be negative.


Lyle: Yeah. Network with purpose and how to say no to big topics you talked about. And her bonus episode was on health. She did introduce her network marketing business. I mean, she did nothing wrong. Network marketing is a good way to start a business if you’ve never been in business before. There’s a lot of tools that give you a fast track to success and those kinds of things. If you’re looking for a business opportunity and you want to get started quickly, you want to find a business that’s established and has a set of guidelines and rules, kind of like a franchise, but a smaller version of that.


You want one that’s going to be helpful to you. Reach out to Matthew REI. We can point you in the right direction. And we have some challenge groups and some entrepreneur growth groups. So we’ll be listening for that. You can hear a lot more about that. That’s going to be some powerful things. Go to Optimize Profitability,, or you go to DFW Top Business and there’ll be lots of opportunities there for you to connect with other people.


And if you want to be an entrepreneur, there’s going to be all kinds of opportunities for you to take, no matter what path you need to be on, whether you’re just getting started or you’ve been in forever. Those can be a path for you to take. And that is so crucial. Coming out of covid, coming out of all that crap in life, it’s crucial to have a path, a specific path that you can go down that leads you to success.


Episode 14 was with you, so I’m going to cover Episode 14, and this is when we dived into 8D now. I think I might never know. 


Wait, wait, wait. Stop you there, buddy. You’re getting ahead of yourself. That’s a whole nother whole encouraging. Yeah. Sorry about encouragement. Yes. We talked about how to deal with the stress and struggles as a business when we did our episode with depression. A lot of people just came out of that, just kind of reached out to us, said, hey, I’m dealing with this stuff.


So sometimes when I deal with the stuff, I just need encouragement. So that whole episode is about challenging you to grow as an individual, no matter what circumstances. That’s the key. Sometimes we just need encouragement. If you just need encouragement in your business as an entrepreneur or just as a person, go listen to that episode, find your purpose in life and step out of that. Especially last year, that episode really helped a lot, me for sure, and some other entrepreneurs that were listening to the podcast because we needed encouragement more than ever.


And so I appreciate you doing that episode. Thank you. Absolutely, Jane. We talked to Judy Davis. She talks about how curiosity can lead to success. Now, I’m assuming, Martha, you don’t have our list of topics we talked about on this.


I remember about box hopping, which was kind of cool. And the way she explained it was really interesting. And and then I know we talked about curiosity and how it can lead to success. Yes, but SOP leads going right importunity to another opportunity and taking that knowledge with you. She’s all about building curiosity and taking the curiosity from one subject matter and bring it into a new subject matter. She got started as an entrepreneur later in life. And so if you’re an older entrepreneur and you’re listening in on us, go check out Episode 15.


You’re going to find some valuable wisdom from someone who’s been around for a little while and she talks about dealing with change and how to stay positive in your life.


Now, Matthew, Episode 16, where I talked about, you know, Lady Bird, you know, yes, we both deal with AIDS. And so we wanted to help other entrepreneurs who deal with it because being a can be we don’t know how to control it. You’ll end up missing out on a lot of opportunities in entrepreneurship. So Lyle really covers, you know, how you deal with and how you can use ADT for your benefit. And I think we talked about an entrepreneur named Brian, I believe, and he he goes over how he how he how you deal with it.


I don’t remember the steps. So why don’t you cover a little bit of that?


Let’s just break this down. First off, ADT is a. A medical term for somebody who’s distracted and I personally don’t agree with the term, I don’t think anyone should label themselves and I don’t think you need to say your age. I think your brain is developed faster, has more energy involved in it. And so your brain is going to work differently. You have to learn to work with the brain you’re given. And all of us are given a different type of brain.


All of us are given different personalities. All of us given different skills. And if you’re labeled add by somebody in your life. Gulleson that episode to give you some specific steps, we did find an ADT coach and pulled some resources from that person and shared those things that I talked about, my own personal life, things I do in my life that help me to be focused. Like, for instance, where we do a podcast. I put this thing behind me and I put this microphone in front of me to give my brain a pin point, to say I’m doing this one thing.


So it helps me slow my brain down and focus in on you guys as you listen in on this podcast so I can give as much as I can to this moment without letting my brain be distracted and going somewhere else. Kevin Mikac, I believe I hope I got his name right. I know it’s OK. He’s a pretty girl. We have seen this was his first podcast. He wrote a book. He’s a Christian author and he wrote a science fiction book.


So figure that out. Christian author and science fiction book. Yeah, that’s pretty cool. He talked about how to write a book with a message, how writing fiction can change the way you see life, how to persevere when you have troubles writing, and why it’s important to keep moving forward, especially with optimized or profitable or positive mindset. So you can have that positive mindset to keep yourself moving forward, especially if you don’t write a book. A book takes a lot of time, takes a lot of effort.


Not just putting words on a piece of paper is creating the story and doing so much more. So Matej what you get out of 17 tidbits for that. Do you remember that? I did.


Well, I knew Kevin and I had conversations and before we had the podcast in what I learned about that book really is in your writing there’s a message. And so like I, I never liked writing and now nowadays I write a lot more. And so hearing what he said about having purpose behind what you write, not just like writing it out and then hope somebody understands you, you got to write behind with a message. And so I don’t really know how to explain it, but that it made so much more sense when you listen to the podcast.


And it kind of really opened me up to who he is and how he helps other people just writing and reading and making books, that’s really cool.


You can change lives just from writing a book of 18 is Shondells Vasana. Her title was Journey from Employed Entrepreneur. Now you’re not supposed to play favorites, but honestly, this is one. My more favorite episode was awesome. I really love the sun and everything. She’s got great personality and she just talks real. And that’s what I love about our podcast. I want people who always talk real. She talked about building quality business relationships. How does successful meeting in this digital world?


You know, meetings are changing the way we do meetings, how we meet when we meet, all that’s changing. And so she talked about how successful meetings, as well as how you can take 20 minutes to engage your entire social media audience. How cool is that? A short little snippet. Her bonus was creating quality business relationships. She and I just had this conversation about practical skills and tools you can do and use right now to help you build quality business relationships in the digital world we live in.


Episode 19, we talked to John Vaughan. Matthew, what do you remember about John? Oh, man is awesome. So we do marketing in SEO. Well, he doesn’t in Canada. It’s actually really good to hear his story from, you know, I’m not going to try and ruin the story, but basically he comes from a family in another country and he comes over here to America. And it’s really cool to see how he went from helping his family and then becoming his own boss.


And it’s really cool, his journey and and seeing him do marketing and how he has helped people doing that as well. It’s just it’s really awesome to see the lives these changed. Exactly. I took a lot out of that episode. And there’s there’s power and immigrating to a different country and having to you almost have to have an entrepreneurial mindset to change your life like that, to make that huge change of moving and changing your whole dynamic and your whole family dynamic.


And so he went through that. He succeeded and he’s succeeding even more, taking what he learned from that process into his current life and everything. So it’s really cool. He talked about how to vet your customers and the key to starting a business. And his bonus was, what is the SEO? We always hear people talk about what is SEO search engine optimization? What is that? How do we do it? So he and I have a powwow, he and I, together, because I do SEO as well.


And so we’re trying to help people do that now. I did not look at the time, so hopefully this episode doesn’t go too far over. We gone over how much time we have. We actually have five minutes.


Good, good. I want to make sure because I want to talk about, you know, this is this is technically the end of season one of Optimize Profitability. We had 20 episodes. That was our goal is to get those first 20 episodes in there and to just really fine tune what it is that is our purpose and how we can help people more. So we’re going to highlight those a little bit over the next few weeks and we’re going to kick in season two.


If you want to be a guest host on Optimize Profitability, I want you to go to DFW top dot com slash guest. Dush post guest, post guest, I believe it was guest podcasts, I’ll make sure to drop the link both in our blog posts, our YouTube video and wherever we spend the SOP, I go all over the place, but we’ll make sure it’s in the description so you guys can click on it.


Yeah, and it’s important to know that you can be a part of this if you have a story to tell. You’re an entrepreneur. I will warn you, this is not a sales tool. It is a promotional tool. Don’t have a problem with that. But our purpose is to entrepreneur stories and help other entrepreneurs is not to sell your product. That’s not the purpose of our podcast, our podcast to help other people. We don’t like being on ourselves.


We want to engage other people. But, you know, as our purposes and as our goals align with other people, sometimes we’re going to jump in there and we’re going to tell a story that helps us get to where we need to be. It’s important to realize when we talk about Optimize Profitability, it’s talking about optimizing your life and optimizing your business. If you don’t optimize those two things, your profitability will kill you. Too many people I’ve seen become successful in the money situation, but they don’t know how to handle the money.


They don’t know how to handle their time, and they get overwhelmed and they just become so burdened that they staling and have to restart over antibodies like, oh, that’s how it’s supposed to be. No, it’s not it’s not supposed to be like, yes, we fail and failures. We learn from our failures. And that brings us to success. But when you become successful, you’ve got to bridge that gap. You’ve got to bridge that gap across and forget that plateau part and take it to the next level because all businesses run into a plateau.


That means you get to level success and you stop growing. Well, the problem is if you stop growing but your business continues to grow, your business grows, you and you become overwhelmed. If you’re growing your business, you’re growing your life along with your business. Those two things both grow together. Had a long conversation recently about that specific topic. But what it means to set goals and growth, you’ve got you know, it’s a B do then have so many people start with A have and they try to do something and they never become who they need to become.


It is so important that you become the person you need to be first, then do the actions it takes you to grow and to strategically get where you need to be. And then three is to have the things you’ve always wanted. You can’t have those things automatically because there’s so many people. Think about people who have won the lottery. Go do some research. The numbers are astounding. Last time I looked, it was in the 90s, like 92, 96 percent of the people who have won the lottery have become broke within the first year because they did not know how to manage the money.


They did not know how to deal with the success they were given. By the way, if you want to be here and tell your story, go to DFWTOP podcast, Dasch Guest. Or if you just got Optimize Profitability, we have a little link there that says Click here to know how to be a podcast. I’ve got a video that tells you what we do and why we do it. We talk about how we set things up.


We talk about how we cover these things. Everything everyone know about being a guest post for us is on there. On that note, Matthew, what. Yes. Bits do you have somebody going into season two. What are your thoughts? Like what we want to cover or what do I hope for season two, what do you hope for season two? You know, honestly, I love season one and the stories we heard and all the people we talked to, but in season two, I would like to dive deeper into not just about, you know, not being alone in entrepreneurship, but how can we grow?


Because I know last year was a big struggle for a lot of entrepreneurs. We started this podcast in the middle of twenty twenty when everything was crazy. So I want to really focus on growth and overcoming that struggle and what we can do and learn from 20, 20 moving forward. So I really hope that this year is more about overcoming and growing. I hope that our podcast can really help a lot more people. I know Kevin was actually a fan of our podcast before I became a guest salon with people like that on a lot of our fans to actually be guests who are entrepreneurs and want to tell their story and maybe share a little bit about how this podcast has helped them.


That’s what I look forward to. I look forward to this year. Exactly. That’s awesome. Because we have so many people that are enjoying our podcast, but we haven’t got that engagement right. Let’s be honest, because we haven’t asked for it. So if you listen to his podcast, don’t be afraid to leave a review, whether that’s on iTunes, Stitcher, all those various places, whether it’s on Facebook, whether that’s on Google or wherever you find Optimize Profitability, leave a comment.


If you want to tell us what you learn from that episode. If you want to share your insights, like, for instance, the one on this episode about and if you’re dealing with that, tell us some of the things you do in your life that’s helping you overcome those things. We’d love to hear your stories. We want that sharing. We want that share back. Leave us some comments if we can do better. Let help us tell us how we can do better, you know?


Well, that’s part of this goal is in this next year, as we move forward, we want to engage people more. To me, that’s more important. Matthew loves hearing the stories of people. I love hearing the stories, people. Matthew doesn’t get to see all the back and forth that I have with these individual people as we as we bring them on as guest posts. But there’s there’s power in relationships. And that’s what I want to take away from this episode of nothing else, there’s power and relationships.


And when you listen to these podcasts with us, you’re building relationship with me. You’re building a relationship with Matthew, and you build a relationship with our guest post. We’re all in this together. We’re all entrepreneurs. We’re all on this journey walking the same journey of success together. Our goal is to help you become a better winner. You can Optimize Profitability when you optimize your business and you optimize your life. Lyle has been Optimize Profitability. That guy, Matthew Stewart, and this is it.


That’s it for season one, and we look forward to season to see you on the next podcast.

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