Real Estate Investment Shorts

Real Estate Investing Terms: Equity

Download the 22 words you need to know for real estate investing

What you need to know about EQUITY

Today’s real estate investing term is equity.

Equity is how much money is left over in the value of a house, after all the loans have been complete.

Let’s say you have a house worth $200K.  You have a mortgage on the house of $100K.  That means you have an equity holding of $100K.

Once the mortgage is paid off, the value left in the house is the equity.

PRO TIP: Sometimes you can get a loan based on the equity of the property.  You can have a second mortgage or a home equity line of credit and use that money to fix up or purchase another property…disclaimer I am not a lawyer or CPA, please consult a professional before going into further debt.

Make sure you go to if you want to download 22 Real Estate Investing Terms you need to know. It’ll help you as a new real estate investor sound like a pro.

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