Real Estate Investment Shorts

Real Estate Investing Terms: Escrow

Download the 22 words you need to know for real estate investing

What you need to know about ESCROW

Today’s word is escrow.

Escrow means another company. A legal entity is holding the amount of money while the transaction is being completed.

So you will take your property to escrow.

That’s where all the things will be checked.

They’ll check the taxes. They’ll check the title to make sure it’s clear so you don’t own any extra things once it goes into escrow.

That’s when you get your money out of escrow when you sell a house.

So make sure you know what escrow is, you want to go to your title company, and ask them some questions about how that works for you.

Make sure you go to if you want to download 22 Real Estate Investing Terms you need to know. It’ll help you as a new real estate investor sound like a pro.

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